What did you do this past week?

This past week I spent a lot of time studying for a really big exam that I had to take. I also spent a significant amount of time working on the front end for phase 2 of the IDB project. I did not get much sleep this week and I’m looking forward to things slowing down a little bit.

What’s in your way?

I don’t know much React and it took a while to figure out how to migrate our webpage to React from vanilla HTML and CSS. This took a way longer amount of time than I expected. I also had the chance to learn how to make API calls in Postman and React. It’s a little confusing but I’m getting the hang of it.

What will you do next week?

Hopefully I’ll get a chance to look at phase 3 of IDB and get an earlier start since I won’t have many exams or assignments due. I also want to try and get outside a little more. I did a lot of sitting at a desk this week.

If you read it, what did you think of the Interface Segregation Principle?

I was interested to learn about how much thought is put into design theory of programs and classes. I’ve never read formalized commentary and rules on class design so the past few papers have been really interesting to read.

What was your experience of comprehensions, yield, closures, and decorators?

Decorators were really confusing to me. I plan to go back and watch this week’s lectures because I was pretty lost the entire time. Hopefully I’ll have the chance to go to office hours and clarify my questions after rewatching those lectures.

What made you happy this week?

I’ve had a really rough week but my boyfriend brought me an excellent croissant from a local bakery which was really good. I’m also excited to know that there’s a really high quality bakery near me.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My tip of the week is to recognize when you’re reaching a stage of burnout and need to take a break. This week really taught me that I can’t be efficient if I don’t take little breaks. Otherwise it’s really easy to get frustrated and give up.



Sruthi Rudravajjala

Computer science and finance student at the University of Texas at Austin.